Hello new Hill Country Middle School (HCMS) Families!

On behalf of the HCMS Booster Club (aka Cougar Club), WELCOME! We are in the HOME STRETCH of this current school year, and I hope everyone feels proud of all they’ve accomplished in 2023-2024!
If this is your first middle school experience, please take a deep breath and trust that HCMS is a well-oiled machine and is a wonderful place! Our hope is that your family will have a positive experience and that your student leaves HCMS well prepared for Westlake High School. Your student(s) will be in great hands with our incredible administration, counselors, teachers and staff.
Middle school parents are less involved in the day-to-day on-campus activities; however, your behind-the-scenes involvement is crucial to the success of Cougar Club and highly encouraged.
Here are three things you can do to help give you a head start:
1.     Register your student(s) on the Cougar Club website.
  • How do you register? If you have an account with Membership Toolkit from another campus, you will use the same credentials to log in. If not, you’ll complete a quick registration process.
  • Why is registering important? ALL communication from the Cougar Club is sent to registered families only! And, being a registered family gives you access to purchase PE/Pre-Athletics & Spirit Wear, sign up for volunteer opportunities and stay up to date on campus events.
  • When you register your student, please assign them their grade from the 24-25 school year. 
  • If you need help, reach out to Diana Graham (dianavgraham@gmail.com)
2.     Purchase all school-related items for the 2024-2025 school year. 
  • The online store is open, and all purchases can be picked up at Hill Country Hello.
    •  Required: PE/Pre-Athletics uniform (at least one set; pro tip is to get two so you can rotate clean and dirty), activity fee & planner/agenda.
    • Optional: Spirit Wear, Friends of Hill Country Campaign donation.
    • School Supplies: No pre-packaged supplies are provided in middle school! The updated grade level lists will be posted to the Hill Country website and the Cougar Club website in early August.
3.     Attend Hill Country Hello!
  • What is Hill Country Hello? This is an opportunity for students to walk their schedule, meet their teachers, and for parents to pick up pre-ordered items in the cafeteria/small gymnasium.
  • When is Hill Country Hello? Friday, August 9th from 2:00-4:00 PM.
To summarize, here is a checklist of items:
Our Principal, Mrs. Kimberly Dewrell, will send additional information later this summer, as will HCMS Cougar Club. So, be on the lookout for that communication as the new school year approaches.
We hope you all have a wonderful last week of school and thoroughly enjoy your summer! We will be back in touch soon, but if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out anytime. We are in this together!
Go Cougars,
Sang McDonnell
2024-2025 HCMS Cougar Club President

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